Állandó pénzkereseti kutakodásaim során egy érdekes oldalra bukkantam (Frissítve 2016-05-26: a hozzászólásban Omega segítségével ennek frissített oldala itt olvasható - köszönöm!). Ez a lista a bányásztársaságokról megmondja, hogy valósak-e, illetve Te magad is bármikor önállóan le tudod csekkolni. Érdekes, hogy a legmegbízhatóbb Genesis-mininget sem tartja teljesen megbízhatónak.
A bejegyzésem aljára másolom az eredeti angol szöveget is, mert nem mindig érhető el az oldal, nem akarom, hogy eltűnjön.
Tehát a kritériumok:
1) nincs publikus bányászcíme, vagy nincs a felhasználó által kiválasztható bányász pool (bányászcsoport)
2) egyetlen (hardver)kereskedőtől sincs megerősítése - állítólag a kereskedők, akiktől a bányászcégek nagy tételben veszik a hardvert, szeretne büszkélkedni, hogy X.Y. bányászcég beszállítói.
3) nincs valódi kép a hardvereikről és a géptermükről - vagy hozzáteszem, hamis kép van, használd a Google képkereső szolgáltatását kép alapján, hogy megtudd, máshonnan lopták-e a képeket a géptermükről!
4) nyílt végű IPO vagy részlegesen fordított bányászati kockázat - ez bevallom, nem tudom, mit jelent, ennyire nem értek a bitcoin bányászathoz
5) ajánlói program és közösségi háló - az ajánlói program 10% felett
biztosan csalás, mert ennyit nem bír el a bányászati teljesítmény
6) ismeretlen üzemeltető - mondjuk ez tág fogalom szerintem, de talán érdemes rákeresni a Google-ban
7) nincs kilépési lehetőség a programból - ez azért jó a csalóknak állítólag, mert így nem tudod visszakérni a befektetésedet
8) garantált profit - ez önmagában csalást jelent, mert a bányászatban semmilyen garancia nem létezik.
Érdemes végignézni a fenti kritériumokkal jellemzett konkrét bányászoldalakat a lista alján. A ponzi jelzésűek biztosan csalások, a (very) suspicious jelzésűek (nagyon) csalásgyanúsak, a possibly/partially legit jelzésűek talán teljesen vagy részben valódiak, a probably legit jelzésűek valószínűleg valódiak, a legit jelzésűek pedig valódiak. Az egyes jelzések előtt számokkal mutatja, hogy a fenti nyolcból mely sorszámú jel(ek) alapján döntött.
Ügyes lista, még átgondolom a felhasználását a befektetési stratégiámban. (Jelenleg megérzéseim és a neten talált információk, továbbá a Badbitcoin.org feketelistája alapján a Genesis-mining.com-on és a Miningsweden.se-n kívül mindegyik bányászcéget eleve csalásnak gondolom, kivétel talán az Eobot.com. Tehát a programjaimat legfeljebb jó irányba tolhatja ez az értékelési rendszer, rosszba nem.)
A 8 bányászcégem állapota frissítve 2016-05-26:
Btc-cloud.org: nincs a listában,
Cldmine.com: csalás
Eobot.com: csalás és még malware/pénztárcalopó program is (valószínűleg csak a számítógépen tárolt bitcoinokra érti, a pénztárcaszolgáltatóknál tároltakra nem)
Genesis-mining.com: valószínűleg valódi
Hashflare.io: nagyon csalásgyanús
Hashocean.com: csalás
Miningsweden.se: csalásgyanús (de még vár megerősítést a Bitmaintól, ha az megérkezik, akkor valószínűleg valódiba teszi szerintem)
Oxbtc.com: csalás
Btc-cloud.org: nincs a listában,
Cldmine.com: csalás
Eobot.com: csalás és még malware/pénztárcalopó program is (valószínűleg csak a számítógépen tárolt bitcoinokra érti, a pénztárcaszolgáltatóknál tároltakra nem)
Genesis-mining.com: valószínűleg valódi
Hashflare.io: nagyon csalásgyanús
Hashocean.com: csalás
Miningsweden.se: csalásgyanús (de még vár megerősítést a Bitmaintól, ha az megérkezik, akkor valószínűleg valódiba teszi szerintem)
Oxbtc.com: csalás
Frissítve 2016-05-26: nagyjából ezt vártam. :) Hozzáteszem, ha a bányászcégekre mint eleve HYIP-okra számítunk, akkor a végeredmény nem meglepő, viszont előfordulhat, hogy sokáig termelnek. Tovább, mint egy HYIP. Például a Hashocean.com már majdnem egy éve termel nekem és a befizetett 2,07 bitcoinomra 3,15-öt fizetett már vissza... ez messze jobb eredmény, mint egy "sima" HYIP.
A végén még ír pár dolgot, ami szerintem fontos ebből (és ezt én is hangsúlyoztam a Miningsweden.se leírásában), hogy attól még, hogy egy bányászcég valódi, gazdálkodhat rosszul és akkor ugyanúgy bedől. Tehát még a jók közül se bízd a pénzed egyre, hanem oszd meg a kockázatot több közötti befektetéssel!
És akkor jöjjön az angol szöveg.
Criteria to help you spot a cloud mining scam/ponzi.
1) No public mining address / no user selectable pool.A cloud mining company that wont let you direct the hashrate to your pool of choosing and cant prove its actually mining bitcoins itself, is very likely a scam. There is no reason to hide mining address or not sign blocks. None.
2) No endorsement from any asic vendorAsic vendors will gladly make a simple post to show the company in question is a significant customer of theirs. Its free advertisement for them and it helps their customer grow their business, so there is absolutely no reason they wouldnt. If a (cloud) mining company cant get any asic vendor to post such endorsement, you should assume they dont have any hardware to mine with.
3) No relevant pictures of their hardware and datacenter
There is no reason not to provide such pictures, except of course, if there is nothing to take pictures off. Mind you: pictures can be faked. Picture dont prove current ownership. So like all criteria listed here, by themselves they are by far insufficient proof.
4) Open ended IPO / fractional reverse mining riskUnless the cloud mining is operated by the asic vendor himself, you can not sell an unlimited amount of hashrate. Hardware takes (usually a long) time to order, arrive and deploy. Any company that doesnt limit sales or make public how much hashrate they sold vs what they have (provably) deployed should be considered suspicious.
5) Referral programs and social networkingReferral programs, especially ones that pay almost 10%, are a huge red flag. The mining market is cut throat with razor thin margins. No real company can afford to pay 10% referrals on below market cloudmining prices. Referral programs almost always serve only to feed the ponzi and provide financial incentive to posters to lie about the true nature of the company. Never trust anyone with a referral link in their sig.
6) Anonymous operatorsIf the operators are hiding behind whoisguard, provide no provable identity and especially when, like in some cloudmining cases, they use demonstrably false ID or company registration information, you have to be nuts to trust them with your money.
7) No exit strategyIf you cant sell your position, you cant get your money out. Thats the ideal case for a ponzi and allows it to run for a long time.
8 ) Bonus point for "guaranteed profit"So far, Ive only seen bitcoinmaker.ch do this. If anyone guarantees you a bitcoin denominated profit, and especially a 30+% one, you can be sure its a ponzi, all the other criteria become unimportant. There is no such thing as certain profit when it comes to mining, no one knows how the network will evolve, or what btc exchange rate will do. If anyone could somehow be certain of making a 30% profit, they wouldnt need your money (and they wouldnt give the profit to you).
Application of these criteria to some cloudmining companies
Feel free to post corrections or additions. (Frissítve 2016-05-26: a lista erről a címről frissített)
Ponzi's that have already collapsed as predicted:
Likely Ponzi scams that have yet to collapse:
Obsolete or suspended:
1) No public mining address / no user selectable pool.A cloud mining company that wont let you direct the hashrate to your pool of choosing and cant prove its actually mining bitcoins itself, is very likely a scam. There is no reason to hide mining address or not sign blocks. None.
2) No endorsement from any asic vendorAsic vendors will gladly make a simple post to show the company in question is a significant customer of theirs. Its free advertisement for them and it helps their customer grow their business, so there is absolutely no reason they wouldnt. If a (cloud) mining company cant get any asic vendor to post such endorsement, you should assume they dont have any hardware to mine with.
3) No relevant pictures of their hardware and datacenter
There is no reason not to provide such pictures, except of course, if there is nothing to take pictures off. Mind you: pictures can be faked. Picture dont prove current ownership. So like all criteria listed here, by themselves they are by far insufficient proof.
4) Open ended IPO / fractional reverse mining riskUnless the cloud mining is operated by the asic vendor himself, you can not sell an unlimited amount of hashrate. Hardware takes (usually a long) time to order, arrive and deploy. Any company that doesnt limit sales or make public how much hashrate they sold vs what they have (provably) deployed should be considered suspicious.
5) Referral programs and social networkingReferral programs, especially ones that pay almost 10%, are a huge red flag. The mining market is cut throat with razor thin margins. No real company can afford to pay 10% referrals on below market cloudmining prices. Referral programs almost always serve only to feed the ponzi and provide financial incentive to posters to lie about the true nature of the company. Never trust anyone with a referral link in their sig.
6) Anonymous operatorsIf the operators are hiding behind whoisguard, provide no provable identity and especially when, like in some cloudmining cases, they use demonstrably false ID or company registration information, you have to be nuts to trust them with your money.
7) No exit strategyIf you cant sell your position, you cant get your money out. Thats the ideal case for a ponzi and allows it to run for a long time.
8 ) Bonus point for "guaranteed profit"So far, Ive only seen bitcoinmaker.ch do this. If anyone guarantees you a bitcoin denominated profit, and especially a 30+% one, you can be sure its a ponzi, all the other criteria become unimportant. There is no such thing as certain profit when it comes to mining, no one knows how the network will evolve, or what btc exchange rate will do. If anyone could somehow be certain of making a 30% profit, they wouldnt need your money (and they wouldnt give the profit to you).
Application of these criteria to some cloudmining companies
Feel free to post corrections or additions. (Frissítve 2016-05-26: a lista erről a címről frissített)
Ponzi's that have already collapsed as predicted:
hourlycoins.biz 1+2+3+4+6+7+8 => 7/7 = Ponzi bitcoincloudservices 1+2+4+5+6*+7 => 6/7 = Ponzi (* founded by known scammer https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=860400.msg9638868#msg9638868) bitcoinminersuk.com 1+2+3+4+5+6+7 => 7/7 = Ponzi Lbtcl.com 1+2+3+4+5+6+7 => 7/7 = Ponzi bitknock.com 1+2+3+4+5+6+7 => 7/7 = Ponzi PBmining.com 1+2+3+4+5+6+7 => 7/7 = Ponzi Lunaminer.com 1+2+3+4+5+6+7 => 7/7 = Ponzi coinsoncloud.eu 1+2+3+4+5+6+7 => 7/7 = Ponzi Cryptomine.io 1+2+3+4+5+6+7 => 7/7 = Ponzi hashie.co 1+2+3+4+5+6+7 => 7/7 = Ponzi bitcoinlabmining.com 1+2+3+4+5+6+7 => 7/7 = Ponzi ltcgear 1+2+3+4+5+6+7 => 7/7 = Ponzi hashprofit.com 1+2+3+4+5+6+7 => 7/7 = Ponzi minethatcloud.com 1+2+3+4+5+6+7 => 7/7 = Ponzi CoIntellect.com 1+2+3+4+5+6+7 => 7/7 = Ponzi terabox.me 1+2+3*+4+5+6+7* => 7*/7 = Ponzi (pictures are not at all convincing, exit strategy involves 60+ days stall tactic) chabatmining.com 1+2+3+4+5+6+7 => 7/7 = Ponzi Ecrypto.co.in 1+2+3+4+5+6+7 => 7/7 = Ponzi (+ confirmed scam, they are no partners of cex.io) GenerateBTC.com 1+2+3+4+5+6+7 => 7/7 = Ponzi cloudminr.io 1+2+3+4+5+6+7 => 7/7 = Ponzi grmining.com 1+2+3+4+5+6+7 => 7/7 = Ponzi hashwar.co 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8 => 7/7 = Ponzi bitrush.com 1+2+3+4+5+6+7 => 7/7 = Ponzi scrypt.cc 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8 => 7/7 = Ponzi Kryptologika 1+2+3+4+5+6+7 => 7/7 = Ponzi Cryptsy MN 1+2+3+4+5+6+7 => 7/7 = Ponzi ( + no details on fee structure) (withdrawl problems noticed!) Coolhash.com 1+2+3+4+5+6+7 => 7/7 = Ponzi (+ possible malware/wallet stealing software) Bitminr.com 1+2+3+4+5+6+7 => 7/7 = Ponzi (+ possible malware/wallet stealing software) MineProfit.com 1+2+3+4+5+6+7 => 7/7 = Ponzi (+ possible malware/wallet stealing software) SpecialMiner.com 1+2+3+4+5+6+7 => 7/7 = Ponzi (+ possible malware/wallet stealing software) Scryptsy.com 1+2+3+4+5+6+7 => 7/7 = Ponzi cloudhours.net 1+2+3+4+5+6+7 => 7/7 = Ponzi bitcoinmaker.ch 1+2+3+4+6+7+8 => 7/7 = Ponzi
Likely Ponzi scams that have yet to collapse:
bitsrapid.com 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8 => 7/7 = Ponzi coindig.eu 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8 => 7/7 = Ponzi bitmach.net 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8 => 7/7 = Ponzi oxbtc.com 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8 => 7/7 = Ponzi bitcoremining.com 1+2+3+4+5+6+7 => 7/7 = Ponzi topmine.io 1+2+3+4+5+6+7 => 7/7 = Ponzi bitclubnetwork.com 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8 => 7/7 = Ponzi (+ a rapist giving testimonial to this service > https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1152263.msg12133964#msg12133964) coince.com 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8 => 7/7 = Ponzi fortacloud.co 1+2+3+4+5+6+7 => 7/7 = Ponzi hashocean.com 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8 => 7/7 = Ponzi HourlyMine.com 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8 => 7/7 = Ponzi cldmine.com 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8 => 7/7 = Ponzi bitcoinmining.me 1+2+3+4+5+6+7 => 7/7 = Ponzi Skycoinlab.com 1+2+3+4+5+6+7 => 7/7 = Ponzi (+ organized by serial ponzi scammer: ?topic=583177.msg10298730) btcslice.com 1+2+3+4+5+6+7 => 7/7 = Ponzi (+ pays out in reversible paypal ?) cloudmining.website 2+3+4+5+6+7 => 6/7 = Ponzi eobot.com 1+2+3+5+6+7 => 6/7 = Ponzi (+ possible malware/wallet stealing software) nexusmining.com 1+2*+3+4+5+7 => 6/7 = Ponzi (Guy from Spondoolies says im wrong, but I can't score what I haven't seen and he seems to confirm they have no hardware) minerslab.com 1+2+3+4+6+7 => 6/7 = Ponzi (+ selling hardware that doesnt exist + using purchased "legendary" account) starthash.com 1+2+4+5+7 => 5/7 = Ponzi cloudmining.sg 1+2+4+6+7 => 5/7 = Ponzi (Founder's LinkedIn account deleted, Uses Weebly's free checkout platform) hashcoins.com and hashflare.io ~1+2+3+4+7 => 5/7 = (very) suspicious (user selectable pool requires fee, dc pictures show no miners, linkedin profile and other testimonials doctored, hardware sales very dubious,..) (*now owned by hashflare.io) Zeushash 1+2+3+4+5 => 5/7 = (very) suspicious Bitminer.eu 1+2+5+6 => 4/7 = Suspicious (+ Pictures of their miners might be Photoshopped) Miningsweden.se 1+2*+5+7 => 4/7 = Suspicious (*will remove as soon as I receive confirmation from Bitmain)
genesis-mining.com 1+2+5+7 => 4/7 = Probably legit. pow88.com 1+2+5 => 3/7 = Probably legit (preliminary assessment) (Suspicious referral bonus : 1% hourly !!!) Bit-x.com 1+4 => 2/7 = Probably legit (preliminary assessment, partnership confirmed by Bitfury) (Their service is terminated recently) haobtc.com 1+2 => 2/7 = Probably Legit (investment based cloudmining company => https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1023187.0) bw.com 1 => 1/7 = Legit (1 - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=878387.msg13605117#msg13605117) Hashnest 1 => 1/7 = Legit (1 - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=878387.msg13605117#msg13605117) miningrigrentals.com => 0/7 = Legit (Trustless, P2P mining rental service, not an active cloudmining site.) nicehash.com => 0/7 = Legit (Trustless, P2P mining rental service, not an active cloudmining site.)
Obsolete or suspended:
AMhash => 0/7 = Legit KNCcloud 7 => 1/7 = Legit Cex.io 4 => 1/7 = Legit Cryptx PETAmine => 0/7 = Legit Megamine.com 1+4 => 2/7 = Probably legit GAWminers 1+4+5+~7 => 4/7*= Possibly/partially legit based on criteria set forth. Based on wider context: more suspicious than a nun squatting in a cucumber field
Tips are much appreciated for maintaining and updating the list periodically!
Tip jar: 1SoumyadbsfCGsSekYdgAkWpGZM3WSaxt
Proving a ponzi
A ponzi is defined by the absence of a mechanism to generate revenue or profits (in this case: mining hardware). Proving something is a ponzi would therefore require proving a negative. You can not prove a negative, so in theory its possible any of the companies I labeled as "ponzi" are in fact mining. But thats like saying in theory its possible unicorns do exist or that its possible that Nigerian Prince who emailed you yesterday, really inherited a $500M gold mine concession and wants to share it with you. You can not prove thats not true either, but to most sensible people the complete absence of evidence is a very compelling reason to dismiss the claim, and thus certainly reason enough not to invest there.
Success rate so far
Recently imploded cloudmining scams that where rated as (very) suspicous or ponzi: 14/14 (100% hit rate)
Companies that were rated as probably/legitimate yet substantially failed to honor their contracts: 1*/7 (86 % hit rate)
(*) Amhash which may yet resume payments, though I wouldnt bet on it
Overall hit rate: 95%
Want to help out ?
You can help out by reporting new ponzi's and preparing the assessment.
You can tip me on this address: 15YNTMoAzTCve64rveEka75qCeJMZpmDCx
Anything I receive there will be used to further this cause, like doing signature campaigns to raise awareness.
Here is the current signature campaign thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=888864
Feel free to join, you'd be helping a good cause and you might win 0.1BTC
being legit does not equal being a good investment. By and large, cloud mining has not been profitable historically, and I dont expect it will. I do not recommend you invest in (cloud) mining at all, but if you do, at least invest in a company that will actually contribute to securing the blockchain and is not extremely likely to just steal your money.
Also, being rated as legit here doesnt guarantee you anything. All it shows is that said company has provided reasonable evidence it is a real company and your investment is backed by actual hashrate. It doesnt guarantee they wont scam you, and it certainly doesnt imply anything about profitability.
Tip jar: 1SoumyadbsfCGsSekYdgAkWpGZM3WSaxt
Proving a ponzi
A ponzi is defined by the absence of a mechanism to generate revenue or profits (in this case: mining hardware). Proving something is a ponzi would therefore require proving a negative. You can not prove a negative, so in theory its possible any of the companies I labeled as "ponzi" are in fact mining. But thats like saying in theory its possible unicorns do exist or that its possible that Nigerian Prince who emailed you yesterday, really inherited a $500M gold mine concession and wants to share it with you. You can not prove thats not true either, but to most sensible people the complete absence of evidence is a very compelling reason to dismiss the claim, and thus certainly reason enough not to invest there.
Success rate so far
Recently imploded cloudmining scams that where rated as (very) suspicous or ponzi: 14/14 (100% hit rate)
Companies that were rated as probably/legitimate yet substantially failed to honor their contracts: 1*/7 (86 % hit rate)
(*) Amhash which may yet resume payments, though I wouldnt bet on it
Overall hit rate: 95%
Want to help out ?
You can help out by reporting new ponzi's and preparing the assessment.
You can tip me on this address: 15YNTMoAzTCve64rveEka75qCeJMZpmDCx
Anything I receive there will be used to further this cause, like doing signature campaigns to raise awareness.
Here is the current signature campaign thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=888864
Feel free to join, you'd be helping a good cause and you might win 0.1BTC
being legit does not equal being a good investment. By and large, cloud mining has not been profitable historically, and I dont expect it will. I do not recommend you invest in (cloud) mining at all, but if you do, at least invest in a company that will actually contribute to securing the blockchain and is not extremely likely to just steal your money.
Also, being rated as legit here doesnt guarantee you anything. All it shows is that said company has provided reasonable evidence it is a real company and your investment is backed by actual hashrate. It doesnt guarantee they wont scam you, and it certainly doesnt imply anything about profitability.
FIGYELEM! Ha úgy döntesz, hogy
Szia ismét! Azért ez nem teljesen aktuális, pl. a Cryptsy már elég régen elhalálozott.
VálaszTörlésKöszönöm, már nézem is, hogy milyen lehetőségek vannak.
VálaszTörlésTaláltam egy frssítést.
Köszönöm szépen a visszajelzést, frissítem vele a cikket.
VálaszTörlésEzt a megjegyzést eltávolította a szerző.